Imogen Grace Reid

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sooo sleepy

I have been sooo sleepy today, therefore have given Mum & Dad much false hope that i will continue to be this way. Mwuahahahaha :-)

Met Grandma and Aunty Toni, they seemed really nice (word on the street is grandma is a soft touch- looking forward to lots of lollies!)

Watched my first unobstructed episode of Simpsons today, much better when there's not a bellybutton blocking your view!

For posterity it was - 'The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular'


At August 11, 2008 at 10:40 AM , Blogger Mel said...

Oh you gorgeous little thing! We are SO very happy to finally have you here with us! Cannot wait to meet you in person .. hopefully we will see you in a few days! Lots and lots of love, "Aunty" Mel, Adrian and Ashara. xxx

At August 12, 2008 at 12:45 PM , Blogger aud182 said...

Hello Imogen!

I think you look like your dad....
But, as the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy advises,
DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!

I'm sure it will sort itself out when you are older.

Welcome to the World,

love Rosa and Kristie xxx


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